Blue Monday: How to stop feeling sad in 2023
Feeling blue? Dont worry, you’re not alone. It's officially ‘Blue Monday’ - The saddest day of the year. Whether you have the post-Christmas blues, struggling to keep up with your New Year's resolutions, or anything in between, these feelings are completely normal as long as you know that they’re only temporary.
If you are going through it this Blue Monday and need some support, we’re here for you at UKLASH. Keep reading to find out exactly what Blue Monday is, how to stop feeling sad and the support you need to start this year off right.
So, what is Blue Monday? 
Blue Monday always falls on the third Monday of the year. So, in 2023 this is Monday 16th January.
The term, Blue Monday was created by Psychologist, Dr Cliff Arnall in 2004. Believe it or not, the formula was devised to help travel companies sell holidays. But clearly, the UK audience resonated. So, the “event” is here to stay for the foreseeable.
How do I stop feeling sad in 2023?
Oh, if only it was that simple. Whether you deal with sadness on a daily basis or it crops up every now and again, it's safe to say that everyone suffers from sadness every now and again. So, when these feelings start to bubble up, here are some things you can do to keep yourself grounded:
Imagine a bright future
Imagining something you have to do which brings you joy in the future can help you break through your sad feelings. This could be a coffee date, a fun activity, a delicious meal or anything in between.
Cultivate mindfulness skills
Mindfulness and self-reflection can help you gain awareness and acceptance of your situation and emotions. So, why not try picking up guided meditation in 2023 to allow yourself to judge your situation from a neutral point of view?
Read your favourite books
Instead of grabbing your favourite fiction book to escape reality for a little while, why not try out non-fiction motivational books? Not only is this an excellent hobby to start in 2023, but you can also learn a lot and absorb the information in a new and exciting way. This would be a great addition to your self-care box!
Hair loss 101: Best hair loss UK treatment
Hair loss can be a true cause of sadness and depression for anyone. Whether you’re going through PCOS hair loss, menopause hair loss, covid hair loss or more. Check out our articles below for all the information you need on how to recover hair loss with our best hair loss UK treatments at UKLASH:
If hair loss is getting you down, here are some UKLASH customer testimonials to brighten your day:
Stephanie - UKLASH Hair Growth Serum
I don't know how it works, but it does! I have PCOS so I go through bouts of thinning hair. I've been using the Hair Growth Serum every night for about 3 weeks and I feel my hair is thicker at the root. I would really recommend putting it on before bed. It has no scent and doesn't damage pillowcases at all. Great for PCOS hair loss!
Amanda - UKLASH Eyelash Serum
I have been using the Eyelash Serum consistently since April 2021, due to postnatal hair loss. It took around 8 weeks to see the results, now my eyelashes are so defined, strong and around 2mm longer; they look amazing with mascara on. I will never stop using it!
Debbie - UKLASH OMG! Hair Vitamins
As a 60-year-old woman, my hair had started to thin and I noticed a lot more hair loss when drying. After using OMG Hair Vitamins which are very pleasant to eat my hair feels thicker, it’s definitely grown quicker than usual and I have not seen as much hair in my brush.
Make mental health a priority in 2023
So, now that you know how to deal with Blue Monday, we have you covered, right here at UKLASH!
We have +40,000 testimonials from around the globe for our lash serums, brow serums, and hair serums and how they have encouraged hair, lash and eyebrow growth. Not only restoring healthy hair but more importantly, your confidence too.
Refresh your hair with the best in hair supplements from UKLASH!